# Edmonton Guides

Section dedicated for Executive related manners and larger event planning.

These is just general knowledge past down from previous organizers from our community. These rules are not set in stone and you can change rules on a case by case basis.

* How to do online smash.gg tourneys (Mateo)

* How to book a room in UofA

* How to apply for grants

* How to advertise for events (Simon)

* Streaming Equipment

* How to do deal with conflicts in tournaments

* How to do deal with conflicts in the community

* Emergency Situations

* General Security when running events

* How to seed Melee/PM

* How to seed Ultimate (Vincent)

* How to do Nait Events (Garnett)

* How to do clubs fair (Alex)

Last Updated: 4/8/2020, 1:40:56 AM