# Dailies/Weeklies Processes

# Registration

Use the sign-up spreadsheet on google docs on the gmail account to register entrants. Create a new tab in the spreadsheet with the date as the tab name and copy & paste the template over. If you do not know the person’s name or if they are planning on using a different tag, ask for their full name. Please adhere to the PR standard of names to keep things organized and mitigate confusion.

# Creating the bracket

We create brackets through Challonge.

  1. Log into our edmontonsmash / ssbuniversity account and create a tournament.
  2. Please ensure to select the proper host depending on the game that is being played that day (edmmelee / edpm / edms4 / edm64 / etc).
  3. The tournament name and link should follow the format of (yy/mm/ddCITYGAME) with no spaces.

# Seeding

  1. Copy and paste the entrants column from the sign-up sheet into the challonge “Add Bulk” feature.
  2. From there, you can drag up or down the players on how they are going to be seeded.
  3. You can seed according to whatever you like, however, it is suggested to seed according to the PR to minimize subjectivity and randomness. The PR Seeding spreadsheet can help automate the process.

# Results

Feel free to make a post in the facebook group for the results. If you are able to, tag those who were involved in the bracket in addition to what character they played for documentation purposes.

Last Updated: 7/24/2019, 6:34:54 AM