# Recommended Ruleset

# Melee Ruleset

We will be running the standard MIOM recommended ruleset, with the addition of UCF and the allowance of B0XX/Smashbox-like controllers.

Reference link

Update a few additions:

  • Wobbling is banned. 8 hit limit with forfeit of a stock if they go over the limit.
  • Final Destination is a counterpick stage.
  • Pokemon Stadium is frozen and is a neutral stage.
  • Ledge Grab Limit is 60 and is only applied if the game goes to time.

# Ultimate Ruleset

3 Stocks, 7 Minutes.

Items and pause are disabled.

Accidental pausing results in a forfeit of a stock.

Players strike (P1, P2, P2, P1) or agree on the first stage.

Loser selects stage, winner selects character, loser selects character.

You may not choose any stage you previously won on, unless agreed upon.

You may not play on a stage that is not on the legal stage list.

All Mii Fighters and Custom Moves are legal.

# Starter

  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2

# Counterpick

  • Kalos
  • Town & City
  • Yoshi’s Story

# Smash 4 Ruleset

Rules will follow those exactly of Genesis 5 regardless of changes between time of registration and the main event.

# Wii U Game Settings

Singles: 2 stocks and 6:00 minutes

Doubles: 3 stocks and 8:00 minutes

Custom Fighters are banned

Custom Moves are banned

Custom Equips are banned

Mii Fighters are legal. Each setup will have 1-1-1-1 Mii

Brawlers/Swordsmen/Gunners available for use (Using a Default Mii).

No other specials for Mii Fighters will be allowed. Players are not allowed to transfer any existing Miis to a setup.

If using default Guest Miis, they should be picked to match the color of the team you are playing on.

# Wii U Stagelist

# Starter

  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Smashville
  • Town & City

# Counterpick

  • Dream Land 64 *
  • Omega Stages **

*Treated as Battlefield during the stage striking or stage ban phase. If Battlefield is banned, then Dream Land 64 is also banned, and vice versa.

**Treated as Final Destination in striking phase. If Final Destination is struck, Omega Stages are struck and vice versa. You may only choose the following Omega Stages: Palutena’s Temple, Suzaku Castle and Wily Castle.

Last Updated: 8/9/2019, 10:45:08 PM